An unfinished knit
Sometimes you want to drop off a knit before it is finished and start over, due to a mistake for example.
If the knit has not yet been caught by the rollers, you will have to gently pull it up and unhook it from the needles by pushing them up.
If the knit has already been caught by the rollers you can restart the machine by touching the little button hidden behind the screen (see video). When the yarn selectors are all up slide all feeders to either end of the carrier rails so the carriage can’t pick them up anymore (in the video we moved only the feeder that was going to knit first). Start the knit. Knitting without any yarn carriers will cause the knit to drop. Continue knitting until the rollers clear the knitting or restart the machine again and select the option "Roller +1" from the dial and press for a few seconds until the knit comes out of the rollers.
If the knit on the needles looks well enough, you can also decide to restart the machine and the program. The waste yarn will be knit on top of the knitting that you decided to drop.
A finished knit
The carriage will stop on the side when the knit is done and a message on the screen will indicate the program is finished. The item will come out automatically after the bind-off, but the last stitch needs to be carefully picked up and secured by hand. If you do this before dropping it completely, you have the smallest chance of dropping stitches.
If you decide to finish your knit without a bind-off (for example with some rows of waste yarn) you should draw a line of "drop all stitches" as is in this picture below:
When the program ends, restart the machine and turn the black menu dial. Select "7. Roll+1" and press until the knit comes out.