The purpose of this command is to address a limitation in the Kniterate machine, specifically the inability to knit and tuck on the same needle bed within a single carriage pass. When dealing with files containing both knit and tuck stitches in the same needle bed and on the same row, it is possible to compile and knit them on the Kniterate machine. However, an important consideration is that the machine executes a distinctive kickback movement to separate the tuck stitches from the knit stitches. This kickback movement, while enabling the knitting of files with mixed stitch types, introduces a temporary slowdown in the knitting speed.
To circumvent this constraint, the command converts front tuck stitches to tucks on the rear needle bed. It generates the necessary transfers to return the stitches to the front needle bed.
To apply the command, select the desired area encompassing both knit and tuck stitches. Click "Use current" to initiate the conversion process within the selected region.
Tailor the behavior of the conversion by entering specific parameters for the transfers in the designated box located at the bottom of the interface.