This is the option to create a jacquard with a birdseye backing.
Start with selecting the location (selecting one row on which the image will be placed).
Click on the black rectangle to import your image (.png). The image must have the correct size (the app will read 1 stitch per pixel) and number of colors (up to 6).
Once the image is up, each one of the colors will be assigned to a yarn carrier. These can easily be changed by clicking on the color mapping dropdowns. Tick the “Apply mapping” box to see the image with the yarn carrier colors.
Below, you will find other options:
Basic options:
- Algorithm: the dropdown menu will show the options MINIMAL and FULL for different backing knitting patterns.
- Invert colors: ticking this box inverts the colors in rows with only 1 or 2 colors, meaning it knits with one of them first, on one or both needle beds, according to the design, and then knits with the other color on the opposite needle bed filling all the stitches.
- Full-needle: the design will be knitted with a 0.5 rack and all needles in work.
- Yarn order determines the order in which theyarn carriers will be knitting. Enter the numbers separated by a space.
Borders: ticking the “Close” box will ensure that the edges of the knit are closed. The Layering dropdown offers 3 options: NONE, GLOBAL and LOCAL that provide different styles of edge closing and each one of them encloses more options. The combination possibilities are quite extensive. You are welcome to try and find the best one for your piece.
This document is the result of some experimentation and shows a few examples. Even if it doesn’t cover all the possible option combinations it provides the possibility to observe the differences between them.