First of all pick a selection to locate the bind off: select the row where you want it to start (the last row of your knit, or the stitches that you want to be bound off).
Continue setting the options:
- Side: click on the dropdown and choose to place your bind off on the front or the rear needle bed or on both of them in the case of double-bed knits.
- Direction: the drop down shows the options “RIGHT_TO_LEFT” and “LEFT_TO RIGHT”. Always check the position of the yarn carrier in the last pass to pick either one.
- Yarn: open the dropdown to choose which yarn carrier you want for the bind off. In case of double-bed bind offs it is necessary to pick a second yarn.
- Tick “Knit first stitch” to knit one stitch before the first transfer.
- Tick “Delete above” to delete all rows above of the bind off.
- Tick “Reverse knit” for the bind off stitches to knit in the reverse direction.
- Tick “Move last” for the last stitch of the bind-off to be transferred to the next needle.
- Tick “Roll first transfer” to have some roller pull-down on the very first transfer of the bind off (needs to have some value set in the box “1st stitch transfer options”).
- Tick “Knit last” to transfer and knit one last stitch in the opposite needle bed.
- Tick “Setup” to create a group of rows including 2 circular rows and transfers to prepare for the upcoming bind off (full-needle zigzag and transfers in the case of double-bed).
- Tick “Reverse setup” to use the second yarn instead for the setup rows (only for double bed bind offs).
- In the option boxes below you can enter your preferences for stitch size, speed and roller, including gradual changes, for all the different kinds of rows independently. Here is an example: