This command facilitates the import of .png images for color translation into various stitch types. This feature is particularly valuable for kniting stitch patterns with both front and rear stitches.
- Keep in mind that certain stitch combinations may necessitate the insertion of transfers to ensure knittability on the machine. Additionally, some combinations may not be feasible. Always perform a thorough error check on your file before exporting it for knitting.
- Color Mapping: Assign different stitch types to each color in the image. Edit these mappings by clicking on the dropdown menu.
- Basic Stitch Types: When "MISS" is selected as a stitch type, the following options become available to iInsert empty rows for transfers between knitting rows:
- Carrier_then_xfer
- Xfer_then_carrier
Options: Customize your stitch block further by entering specific parameters in the options boxes located at the bottom of the interface.