Make sure you have the latest update of DesignaKnit version 9 installed.
Before you start a design, select the Kniterate machine from the list of machines.
Create your design as desired.
If you need help with DesignaKnit9 you can find their tutorials here.
Once the design is ready in DesignaKnit (either in Standard garment stiling or in Original pattern drafting) go to File> Export to Kniterate. The program will open this window (see picture below) where you need to choose a piece to export and save. Click on OK.
Then this other window appears, to set the options for the cuffs and waist ribs. Set your preferences and click OK.
Choose the location where you want the files to be saved:
Finally choose your preferences for the neckband:
The files will be saved in .txt format.
Repeat the operation for each piece of the garment (Neckband options appear only for Front and Back pieces, not sleeves).
When you open the .txt file you find information about the piece at the top (tensions, number of rows and columns…). Below there is the shape drawn with the yarn symbols (in this case yarn number 1).
Further down in the .txt file is again the shape drawn with the stitch symbols (in this case knit front stitches “-”)