As in previous software versions, some actions can also be found in context menus (right-click menus):
Right-click without a selection
We find the actions Undo/ Redo.
Right-click on a selection of one stitch
This menu appears when you select one single stitch and right-click on it.
This menu contains the actions to set markers on the canvas, which also have keyboard shortcuts.
There are also some actions related to the racking:
From here you can also add (insert) rows or columns (one above or below/ right or left of the selected) or delete one or more of them.
It is also possible to deselect.
Right click on a selection of more than one stitch
This menu contains some of the options already seen in the previous one and some additional ones. Let’s review some of them:
- Copy and paste: offers different options for copying, pasting and cutting parts of the desig.
- The Set selection options show different ways of extending your selection.
- The Delete and Clear commands allow you to completely delete or just clear the content of the rows/columns selection.