Shaping soles and uppers
Hello to all the community, we wanted to show some photos of our work with kniterate we have also used yarn of vegetable origin such as hemp and nettle getting excellent results as you can see in the attached photos.
The next step is to try to design the uppers and soles for the shoes. We wanted to ask if such a design was possible to make with the machine see attached photo with sole and upper designed with a single design
We are figuring out how to decrease and increase the edges. For decreasing we are not having any major problems, while for increasing edges we are having problems. Can someone help us with the CAD? showing the type of transfer combination to use? I am attaching screenshot of the cad for when it comes to decreasing edges. Do you have any tips or tricks in this regard?
Pictures / kcode / articles or anything would be greatly appreciated :)
Beautiful swatches!
See Shaping Jumpers topic for discussion on increases. Also the Kniterate Mask w/Filter [Experimental] has code for short rows in the middle.
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Thank you for your reply and your appreciation of the patches.
I have tried to follow the instructions as indicated in the article you gave me, but the compiler does not compile the file when I add rows with the increase of a mesh .
attach screenshot
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Alessandra De Luca It looks good. I replicated the increase and it compiled. I don't know what you're doing on the left hand side of the screen, but assuming everything is correct with the decrease and with racking, could it be you accidently picked up another yarn color in the middle of the design? Did you get a float too long error? Switch to the pattern tab, if you do and be sure the correct color is knitting throughout.
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Grazie mille per la risposta. sì, ho ricevuto un errore di float lungo. segui le tue indicazioni e ti aggiornerò.
Mi chiedevo se a destra aumentare a sinistra sullo stesso ferro posso diminuire?Update
The validator validates the file for me, now I can proceed with the realization of the design as soon as I have the patch I will show the results.
Thanks everyone for the advice !!!
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Great work guys and so great to start swing people use the shaping tools available in the software.
Can’t wait to see what you produce0 -
Dopo tre giorni di lavoro sono riuscito a finalizzare il progetto da produrre. Purtroppo il validatore non convalida il file, non capisco perché. Il problema non è la presenza di errori nella progettazione, ma quando clicco su validazione mi compare la schermata di segnalazione del bug.
Fino a metà del processo stavo convalidando e assicurandomi che il progetto fosse valido prima di continuare con ogni passaggio.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi come posso risolvere questo? Non riesco a rifare il disegno è troppo lungo Ho anche provato a copiarlo e incollarlo su un'altra pagina ma non me lo fa copiare.Grazie
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Hi Alessandra,
Could you try using the new version of the app? it is more stable
If the issue persists there when trying to validate the design, please Report a bug and submit the design, this way, we can check it directly and find out more efficiently what the issue is.
Thank you!
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grazie per la risposta ho provato a usare il nuovo link per l'app di design, non ottengo più la schermata dei bug ma alla fine mi mostra gli errori. I primi che sono riuscito a risolvere ma sono bloccato su questo errore.
Qualcuno può aiutarmi?
Mi chiedevo c'è un legendo o altro materiale che spiega le nuove combinazioni di punti per il trasferimento delle maglie?
Qualcuno può indicarmi il tipo di combinazione di punti da utilizzare per aumentare e diminuire le maglie con questi nuovi simboli?Grazie mille
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In the meantime I have designed a new simpler sole design and have managed to validate it, testing on the machine I am trying to work out the best roll value.
As you can see from the attached photo, working with a cotton yarn, it lost one stitch per side and at a certain point, more precisely at line 1748, the machine stopped twice, trying again a third time we had no problems.
In the coming days we will continue to test to get the sole.I enclose photos
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