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Bind off



  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Hi - Unlikely to be the brushes unless you are also having issues in other areas of the knit.  The brushes are there to help the latches open.  Would not change anything with the brushes unless you are sure that is the issue..

    What is the actual issue you are getting? Does any of the bind off work?  When does it fail? How does it fail? Does it always fail at the same point? Can you upload some pictures.

    With regards to the new bindoff, I don't believe this has been added yet.  Gerard Rubio can you confirm this please?


  • Joe McFadden

    Attached is a picture of a jacquard swatch where you can see the bind off hasn't worked. The kickstarter scarf also knitted fine and has a similar bind off to this. It would be good to know if it has been updated yet and if not, what is the timescale for this and will it happen at the same time as the preview software going live?

    We are reluctant to start playing around with the knitting parameters as suggested in previous posts if it's due to be updated soon. Gerard Rubio can you confirm please?

  • Joe McFadden

    On the topic of brushes, when we inspected them they looked very worn and we are wondering if this is normal? We haven't knitted on the machine a lot - mainly testing the kickstarter scarf and several swatches. Also, at what point do they need to be replaced?

    Thanks for you're help Tim!


  • Catriona

    Following would like to bind off.

  • Robert Ingemarsson


    A couple of things with regards to the bindoff....

    1. The current bind-off should knit ok, but you may need to adjust the stitch size before running into the bind-off to make sure you don't end up with dropped transfer stitches.  You see below how we have changed the stitch sizes for the row(s) before the transfer stitches to match the stitch size used in your knit.  If you do not do this, you are likely to get dropped transfer stitches.  Suggest this is the first thing you try. 

    The brushes may be causing an issue (particularly at each end of the knit) (See next post).  You could find this out by reversing the feeder you use for the bindoff (for example, if you are binding off on feeder 3 try feeder 4, and if you are using feeder 4, try feeder 3). 

    For reference, the middle feeders are the best feeders (3/4) to use when knitting / binding on / off.


    2. The current bind-off is viewed by most as not production quality, as the stitches are loose.  Gerard Rubio is aware of this, and we have provided a copy of our bind-off to him which we add manually to each of our knits. The bind-off should still knit successfully with no issues, as long as you follow the above and have correct tension.

  • Robert Ingemarsson


    With regards to the brushes, this is exactly the issue we had when the brushes were not set correctly.

    PLEASE CHECK WITH Gerard Rubio before doing any adjustments to your machine... 

    See below showing our issue...

    1. Brushes being shredded

    2.  Position of our feeders.  You see the left brush is touching the feeders which will firstly shred the brush, and will also stop the yarn from getting the correct tension as it flows through the feeder.

    3. Showing the feeder touching the brush, and the yarn 'stuck' as it cant get pulled through with the correct tension.

    4.  Image from Jipke Lezwijn, Kniterate showing how to resolve.


    Hope this helps...



  • Joe McFadden

    Thanks Tim, our brushes will definitely touching the feeders, we have less of a gap between the two brushes and this it is already at its maximum settings to move in the way of the arrows on the pictures attached (and also up the way so there is no way of creating more of a gap). 

    We'll wait to hear back from Gerard Rubio and Jipke Lezwijn before making any adjustments.

  • Catriona

    I am having problems with the bind off following the posts. Have changed the settings. Hope this can get fixed soon.

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    @catriona - just to re-iterate - the bind off that a currently in the system works perfectly - you just need to make sure the stitch size at the end matches your knit correctly and if necessary add a single row before the bindoff .

    We have knitted this bindoff with no issues many times.

    The only issue is that the stitches are not (in our view) production quality if you are intending to sell the garments.

    What issues are you having @catriona?

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Joe - your brushes are definitely set wrongly . We have had to adjust the angle on the right angled metal connector so the brushes now sit correctly . Can you let us know what @gerard says



  • Gerard Rubio

    Hi Joe McFadden the bind off is one of the actions that require better fine-tuning of all the parameters. The one the software provides works well for our testing yarn. I believe with each yarn, parameters might have to be slightly tweaked.

    The best approach to this is to analyze why a transfer fails. To do that, you can remove the brushes to have better visibility of what is going on there. We are happy to diagnose the issue if you can send us a video of a bind-off seen from above. If you could send a close-up of the edge from the samples above to see the stitches from close, we could probably help diagnose the issue as well. You can write us at:

    We take notes of all your suggestions for the bind off (thanks Robert Ingemarsson for sharing your thoughts!) but we haven't made any changes to the design app yet. We will let you know when we introduce any changes to it.

    In regards to the brushes, it is normal they get worn with use. The ones from your picture could be used for a little bit longer. As soon as they stop performing their main tasks, open the latches, they need to be replaced.

    As Tim points out, feeders shouldn't touch the brushes (as long as you don't have more than two feeders overlapped). In your case Joe, I recommend adjusting the brushes a bit. To do that, I would overlap feeders 3 and 4 and bend the brushes away until there is a couple of mm of separation between them. Thanks for adjusting that (it is all made out of steel so nothing will break for some bending).

    Thank you,


  • Joe McFadden

    Hi Gerard - I'll email some close up shots to see if you can diagnose what's happening with the bind off.

    Would the brushes be worn more because of their current position and how long should we expect them to last? We haven't knitted a lot on the machine at all apart from the sample scarf and some swatches. Is it possible that because our brushes are so close to the needle bed that this could cause extra wear or any other issues (when comparing Robert Ingemarsson's pictures above to ours, ours are much closer). 

    Could you please send an email with detailed instructions with what you are proposing to do re bending the brushes away from the feeders? Not sure if you mean to try and do this when they are still on the machine or what part to bend etc? 



  • Joe McFadden

    Robert Ingemarsson it would be really helpful if you could post an image of your brushes and feeders after you bent them into place. 



  • Gerard Rubio

    Hi Joe McFadden, thanks for sending detailed pictures over email. Something I think could help is to add two knitted passes after you've transferred all the stitches to the same bed, right before doing the bind off. Those knitted passes make the stitches even, which increases the success rate with the bind off.

    If you find the stitches a bit too loose in the bind off, you can try to make the last knitted pass right before the bind off with a smaller stitch size. 

    It could be the case that your brushes have worn prematurely due to their current position. We will send you a new pair of them for the inconveniences.

    We will send those instructions over email for you to adjust the position of the brushes.


  • Catriona

    Any update on the bind off yet. Had anyone made any success with this. I have tried changing the settings slowing everything down, changing my stitch size. Still problems, any suggestions welcome thank you.

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Hi. Can you post images of what issues you are having and also images of the bind-off parameters (what speed and stitch sizes are using ) before and during the bindoff from the design software.

    did you update the bind-off with our email recommendations ? The bind-off definitely works if configured with suitable parameters relating to your knit bit may need some playing around with to get right.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I know this post is over a year now but I'm having problems with the bind off. I've knitted 10 scarves since I got my machine and the bind offs have been great on the kniterate scarf and some others, but the last two scarves the bind off is horrible and there are dropped stiches. So all the stitches are transfered to the back bed and the bind off starts from the left, then you get the dropped stitches and then it continues binding off to the end. So far two ruined projects and I've got no clue what to adjust (brushes, feeders). Can anyone advise please. The bind offs are done at a slower speed so not sure what to do next.....



  • Permanently deleted user

    Update another scarf knitted using another feeder for the bind off and the same issue has occurred. So it’s not the feeders carriage or brushes?

  • Permanently deleted user

    The issues are kind of connected I’ve had issues knitting four colour jacquard this weekend as well with dropped stitches on feeder three .

  • OJ

    @... Yes, if you're using the same weight yarn as you used with the Kniterate scarf, then the issue probably isn't with the feeders or brushes.  If you're using the default stitch size in the bind off, you may need to do some fine tuning. The bind off for the Kniterate scarf knits at stitch size 2 and transfers at stitch size 3, while the default stitch size in the design app is larger. 

    You'll need to determine what stitch size works best for your yarn. Try testing the bind off on a short sample that's the width of your scarf but use a slightly smaller stitch size to see if there's improvement. The other setting that may need to be adjusted is the roll distance for the knit stitches, which slowly decreases as the bind off progresses on the Kniterate scarf.

  • OJ

    @... For 4-color jacquard I use a little more takedown than for 2-color. I use 450 for 2-color and either 455 or 460 depending on my yarn. Be sure to test before knitting your project.

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    @... Check your needles as well - if your knitting something that used to work, with the same yarn, then its more than likely a broken needle, latch or spring.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Many thanks for your responses. I’ve knitted a swatch over the first 100 needles counting from the left so located which needle the dropped stitch had occurred will check thus again however difficult to determine what a broken spring looks like. I found the stitches on transfer to the back bed seem to be too larger and will try and adjust the bind off stitch size and tweak the roll size a bit

  • Permanently deleted user

    And they repeat the process on all the needles across the machine

  • Permanently deleted user

    I'm afraid I still dont have a solution but after knitting a further 3 swatches these are my observations

    noticed the dropped stiches are on needles 45-46 so I changed both needles on the front and back beds

    Reduced the stitch size for the bind offs

    Increased the roll a tad

    The issue is still there on the first two swatches still on needles 45-47 but this dropped stitches occurs when the  empty carriage (with no feeder) is moving right to left well before the bind off on these needles are due

    The third swatch the dropped stitches happened on new needles before  the ones on 45-47 from the left so now the issue is not the needles and I'm at loss on what to do next. Very frustrating.....

  • Permanently deleted user



    Now discovered the issue wasnt the needles, or carriage or roll speed or stitch size (although I did tweak this in the end). The issue was the yarn in feeder three, a cotton yarn that knitted well on the beanie project but not soft or pliable enough for Jacquard. I've knitted two samples using 2/30's weight yarn and the bind off works great. So lesson learnt kniterate doesnt like some cottons. Thanks for all your help. Now ti tackle the challenges with three/four colour jacquard at some point

  • Christine

    @... Glad you were able to figure it out. Thank you for posting your process and solutions. It will be very helpful for the rest of us trouble shooting our own issues in the future.

  • Ole Johan Aanestad

    Hi everyone
    I am pretty new to Kniterate, got the unit just before xmas 22.
    Without going to deep in all the challenges i meet, I want jump right into that I also had "bind-off" issues, nothing was working, same results as you show on your pictures.

    The knitting it selv are so perfect now after "fine tuning" the Kniterate that its a dream, but the bind-off destroyed everything.
    Here some photos of what we now are knitting:

    We knit now some scarves in Merino, 2/48 - as single tread, we not knit "double".

    But back to the bindoff.
    Why could I knit 252 x 2241 stitches over and over,  in any speed without loosing a single stitch, but then it come to the bindoff it loost stitches randomly, sometimes it was full off lost stitches, sometimes less, but only one time it finnished it "perfect".

    I saw this tread and followed every advices, nothing was working..
    I started monitoring every step that happened in the bindoff process, and then.....the drop of stitches happened in the "transfer" process...

    I changed the "bindoff" to look like this:

    .....and since then.... I have never lost a stitch in the' perfect.

    Now it looks like this, a more then good enough result (PS: What you see on the photo are just washed and laying for dry, so still not as good as it will be when it's dried and ironed.

    Would be nice to know it that helps also for others having same issues with bindoff.

  • Catriona

    I have been having problems with my bind off. I have been trying hard. I am only getting 1 dropped stitch I have tried changing needles cleaning the machine. I am stuck. Maybe give thus a try thank you.

  • OJ

    Ole Johan Aanestad What beautiful designs! And what an interesting fix for your bind off. 

    I'm guessing that because your yarn is very thin it was difficult binding off on a 7gg machine. If I'm understanding this correctly, it looks as though your bind off transfers 2 loops on the same front bed needle  to the rear needle before 3 loops are knitted on the rear bed needle? I wonder if it's the extra weight of 2 loops that makes the transfers work, or maybe it's those extra rows on the rear bed. Were your stitches originally dropping on transfers from front to rear or rear to front or both? Thank you for sharing.

    Again, gorgeous work!


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