Knitting textures
PinnedI've been experimenting to see the depth of texture I can create in the design app and then knit on the machine. Thought I'd post some of them here. The teal swatch is a combination of ribs and ripples.
The gold wool swatch below is a redesign for the Kniterate of the grey (10 gg) fabric below. It's the same as the cream swatch above. It was my quick workaround for the tuck-knit-same-bed-same-pass limitation. I used a half cardigan setup where tucks and knits would have been on the same bed.
This swatch below was supposed to be a triple hem. I think I'd need to increase the stitch size on a single row of each of the two ripples and steam well to get a sharp hem look. But I do like the fullness of the ripples.
Getting the roll distance right is usually my biggest challenge. Sometimes I hit the first time. Sometimes it takes several tries, but it's getting easier.
thanks, i'm new here
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Happy New Year! Sharing some favorite textures from 2022
Drop (bubble) stitch
Traditional racked zigzag
Tucks and ribs
Plated tucks and ribs (cobblestone)
And a favorite half cardigan variation from 2021 that I never posted here
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This triple hem OJ is so cute! I really like the rolls. What the hell did you do to make this happen? I don't understand how you did it. I've been trying to come up with a solution using the app, but I'm at a loss because I'm having trouble figuring out what happens to the extra rows on the front bed when a stitch is on both beds, and only several rows are knitted on the front to create the roll. My only thought is that we will end up with a pile-up on the front bed or that all the stitches on the back bed will hold up!
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Thanks bahi 88. Cast on for full needle rib. After about 4 rows on the front only, knit 1 row on the rear. Repeat 2 or 3 times. Transfer all to rear bed and knit a few rows on the rear bed. Then start the entire sequence again.
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Hi OJ. I noticed that earlier this year you posted a successful sample of a drop stitch design. I am trying to do something similar, but am having trouble getting the settings right. Would you mind posting a screenshot of part of the buck file? It would be much appreciated. :-)
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Christine Apparently I was experimenting with roll and stitch size on the double knitting. Both settings worked. The buck file for this stitch pattern is actually in DwK Session 1 Bonus (last section).
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Thanks @OJ! I must have missed it at the end of your first lesson. I think the reason I am struggling with this stitch is because the compiler is not currently translating front and rear bed stitch sizes correctly when they are plugged in as different values in the app - so I have just been using the same stitch size for both beds for now. Kniterate is aware of this problem and hopefully working it out for the next app update.
I downloaded the buck file from your lesson and the same thing happened with the kcode. The compiler does not translate the stitch sizes correctly for the double bed rows. I will give it a try with a small sample and manually modify the stitch sizes in the kcode.
Thanks again for your help!
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