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  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Here is a copy of the kCode that has been used for this bindOn..

    // kcode 1.0
    // this format will be deprecated soon.
    // EcoKniware
    // Working Bind On (2 Color + Draw + Waste)
    RACK: +0.0
    // row: 0
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: PositionCarriage, Kickback, Active, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 150 440 0
    // row: 1
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active, PositionCarriage, Coalesced,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 0
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: PositionCarriage, Kickback, Active, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 1
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active, PositionCarriage, Coalesced,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 2
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: PositionCarriage, Kickback, Active, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 3
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active, PositionCarriage, Coalesced,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 4
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: PositionCarriage, Kickback, Active, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 5
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active, PositionCarriage, Coalesced,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 6
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: PositionCarriage, Kickback, Active, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 7
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 5
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active, PositionCarriage, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 7
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 5
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active, PositionCarriage, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 7
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 5
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active, PositionCarriage, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 7
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active,
    << Kn-Kn 0 200 440 0
    // row: 8
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: PositionCarriage, Active, Coalesced,
    >> Kn-Kn 0 200 0 0
    // row: 9
    // racking: 0.0
    // reasons: Active,
    << Kn-Kn 0 300 440 0


  • Cadenzaclothes

    How does this differ from the bind on in the app? I am still using a manual intervention to make sure the first stitches catch, and I can see that you aren’t doing that here. Can you tell me what you changed please?

  • Robert Ingemarsson


    It's mainly changes to where the feeders are left initially.   You may find that it helps attaching your yarns low down initially as shown below to help with the initial connection to the bed.

    We bring in every yarn first, and leave the feeders at the right hand side.  Once all the yarns are in, we move the feeders back to the left, and then start knitting the full length bind-on.

    We always use feeder 1 for draw thread and feeder 6 for waste yarn.  3 and 4 then, and moving onto 2 and 5 as necessary for multi colour knits.

    Even if the yarn does not catch on the way out it will definitely catch on the return.

    We have been using this now since November and have bound on over 300 knits with no manual intervention.

    The video here shows how the bindon works (n slow motion so you can see every movement in details


    Updated Working Link


  • Cadenzaclothes

    That’s great and would save a lot of fiddling about, but I have no idea how to automate this, and editing the start module in the app every time I create a new design would be more trouble than attaching the yarns manually! I am guessing you have back-Ron access to have achieved this? Might it be added to the app at a future date?

    Also wondering if you have tried circular casting on? I can work out how to knit a circular rib by watching the beanie video on YouTube, but I can’t make out how to begin! I don’t think the beanie kcode has been made public, unless I missed something?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Robert Ingemarsson


    I haven't tried circular casting on as this one is working for us and we just edit it manually on every design - A pain, but something necessary due to the number of garments we are knitting.

    The issue has been reported to Kniterate, and I have provided them with my kCode for this so hoping it will be resolved in the future.


  • Katy Grieve

    Hi Everyone,

    Many thanks for your feedback and discussion on this bind-on matter. We have recognized this issue and appreciate Robert's exploration with the K-code to solve this matter. We are currently working on a solution and shall report back as soon as the glitch has been sorted.

    For the circular cast on Cadenzaclothes, we were in contact about how to draw a tubular start in the design app. Did I understand correctly that you had successfully achieved a tubular cast on which gives the circular knitting in the beginning of the sample? If so, this maybe nice to share on the forum also. 

    In response to the question about making the fully knitted beanie, we haven't shared the k-code of the beanie as it was made on an older version of k-code that is nowadays outdated. Having said this, back then we shared a document that explains this outdated version of k-code. This will help you understand the beanie file we are sharing now here.

    Best wishes,


  • Cadenzaclothes

    Hi Katy Grieve,

    I did do a tubular bind on after following the instructions in the video that Jipke shared, so yes it would be a good idea to share the link to this in the Getting Started knitting help tutorials.

    For the circular bind on, I was talking about how to achieve the bind on used for the beanie, as the tubular bind on can only be used to start a piece of flat knitting, so wouldn't be any good to begin the beanie.

    I will look at the beanie code and see if I can work it out. Otherwise will anyone be 'translating' the beanie code for the new app?

  • Cadenzaclothes

    If anyone would like to look, the tubular bind on video is here -

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Thanks for sharing the tubular bind-on I am going to take a look at that. :)

    Katy Grieve was there ever a converter written to translate the old k-code to the new kCode?

    My understanding is that in future iterations  of the software, you will be able to use 'templates' which are either your own, created by Kniterate, or shared from other kniterate owners.

    Really looking forward to this capability so we can start sharing files between us and creating a real set of community driven templates and knitted garments.


  • Katy Grieve

    Hi Tim and Debbie,

    I just confirmed that we do not have a converter to be able to translate the old K-code into new readable K-code for the Kniterate due to the fact that we didn't create many files with the old K-code format. So we shall be looking for a moment at some point to retranslate the Beanie.

    But this would be something we hope to work on and translate, creating a library of 'templates' that would provide a true resource to Kniterate users who can upload and share their designs, this addition is hoping to bring the users closer together, learning from one another as they design and create.

    Best wishes,




  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Thanks Katy Grieve - Cant wait to be able to use template and share designs - Maybe we can think of a way of doing this before the software supports it.

    I am starting to build a templating system to add my bindon /  bind-off to any item, and hope to then use this to start creating my own patterns from templates without having to rely on the software. - The challenge is being able to validate the kCode.  Maybe this is something that Kniterate could do which allows designs to be moved  / created elsewhere, and to have them knitted on a kniterate machine..  Thoughts on this would be good.

    FOr insteance it would be able to create an item in 'other' software and export it for kniterate or Stoll, dependant on where the best place is to knit.?

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Katy Grieve I have just started writing a convertor for the old k-Code File to convert it to the new file - Will let you all  how it all  and then open source it on github should it work.


  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Katy Grieve see below the first knit of the beanie which has been translated from the original (old) kCode.

    Very far from perfect so need to look at the stitch size and roll as think they are not correct .

    But - we have written version 0.1 of the translator from old kCode to new kCode :)


  • Katy Grieve

    Hi Tim,

    Wonderful to see your progress here! Thank you for exploring this translation from the old K-code to the new and sharing your journey. 

    Your first attempt looks good! I think by adjusting the racking of the beds as Gerard has mentioned, you should see less dropped stitches. Good luck interpreting the logic behind the racking +1/-1. We look forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Best wishes,


  • Robert Ingemarsson

    For those that are interested an (early) version of the kCode Convertor is now online.  It's based on the original Beanie kCode File that Katy Grieve provided, and is still work in progress.

    Remember that any files that have manually created kCode could damage your machine so play at your own risk...

    Once we have knitted the Beanie successfully we will let you know :):)

    Kniterate old kCode Convertor

    Tim & Robert



  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Katy Grieve, and anyone else who is interested, we have replicated the old kCode -> into the new kCode, and have got as far as transfering the first transfer row after the bind off, and whatever we do, the knit breaks (almost every stitch) as the knit is just too tight (It was so tight it even broke a needle).  

    It should knit at stitch size 0 (from the old kCode) which seems vert tight.  We have changed this to add 4 sizes to each stitch (so its now at 4), but still 3/4 of the stitches break in the first transfer.

    Any thoughts anyone?


    Here is the section in the old kCode

    and the new kCode

    and this is what happens to the knit when we transfer...

  • Gerard Rubio

    That has a trick. We used elastic yarn with Yarn 4 during cast on to get a nicer shape and finish, it also gives a better fit around the head. See black elastic yarn at the bottom of the beanie.

    Below a picture of a tiny beanie with and without the elastic, the difference is notable.

    With elastic yarn, you can make the stitch size pretty small and get it to transfer well. 
    I really recommend you get some, it is very useful for ribs and experimenting with textures.

    This is how it behaves with elastic yarn. 

    Without the elastic, you should make the stitch size larger until it works. It won't look great (due to the every-other-knitting-needle technique) but it should work.

  • mark

    Wanted to better understand the kcode, so I took some notes while watching the video shared by Tim & Robert.

    Google Drive Folder

    Note.altBindOnCatN.txt are the notes, altBindOnCatN.txt is the kcode with line numbers

    basically just start and stop times for a single time across the bed table

    figured might as well share them in case I'm not alone i wanting to mentally be more comfortable with the kcode

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    mark great work .

    If you want more videos done, then shout and we can get some done.

  • mark

    Robert Ingemarsson  thank for the offer, will likely take you up on it at some point.  First I need a lot more time playing with the design app and staring at k-code in a text editor.

    Had a general question if anyone had some video ideas along the line of GoPro Hero mounted on the machine in someway, with colorful needle position markers, etc, etc, etc.

  • Robert Ingemarsson

    we have put a wifi camera below the rollers so we can see knits coming out, and considering adding a wifi enabled camera to the carriage so we can monitor the knit as well...

    with regards to kCode, its not hard to get your head around the specification - How it is configured from the app is more challenging I think.

    Any questions on the kCode just ask as (I think) I have got my head around it..


  • mark

    Robert Ingemarsson  here are some kCode questions (or anyone )

    (1) the strings following FRNT: and REAR: are longer than the strings following STIF: and STIR:, if I want to count from the left to fiqure out the first needle knit on, do I simply eliminate the forward slashes, back slashes and number from the string and count character until a encouter a knit symbol?  Releated, Why in Machine_Sample_25oct20.kc are there only 3 more characters in FRNT: and REAR: strings, while other files would have four (assuming one of each slash and two of a number)?

    (2) is "<<Kn-K1n" (in Machine_Sample_25oct20.kc) at real thing or just an error

    (3) numbers, say 4, in FRNT: and REAR: strings, what are the rules about there occurrance and the first time the yarn is used to knit? A number of non knitting (dot or underscore) character postiions that need to occur before the 4 can in the string? Am assumming some acceleration concerns in yarn carriers.

    (4) Are the carriage and yarn carrier movement limit indicators saying stop here or stop before here?

    (5) yarn carrier movement limit indicator, do the need to line up with occurance on the previous command? both end? just head of succesor command  with tail of predecessor command ?

    (6) carriage limit indicators don't always line up, error or ok.  Here is a trimmed example of a carriage to the left pass immediately followed by a carriage to the right pass, from the previously mentioned Machine_Sample_25oct20.kc.

    FRNT:../.........4....___ (etc)
    << Kn-K1n 4 600 20 0
    FRNT:.........../4....--- (etc)
    >> Kn-Kn 4 600 0

    Well that start on the the uncertainty I have.

  • Robert Ingemarsson


    TO answer your questions (with my current understanding)

    (1) the strings following FRNT: and REAR: are longer than the strings following STIF: and STIR:, if I want to count from the left to fiqure out the first needle knit on, do I simply eliminate the forward slashes, back slashes and number from the string and count character until a encouter a knit symbol?  Releated, Why in Machine_Sample_25oct20.kc are there only 3 more characters in FRNT: and REAR: strings, while other files would have four (assuming one of each slash and two of a number)?

    Tim: The definition of the kCode should be as detailed in the machine sample file...

    Sometimes there are more dots in the yarn park area, but these will be ignored by the machine


    (2) is "<<Kn-K1n" (in Machine_Sample_25oct20.kc) at real thing or just an error

    Tim: Thats an error - It is not in my sample file machine_sample_15feb20.kc

    (3) numbers, say 4, in FRNT: and REAR: strings, what are the rules about there occurrance and the first time the yarn is used to knit? A number of non knitting (dot or underscore) character postiions that need to occur before the 4 can in the string? Am assumming some acceleration concerns in yarn carriers.

    Tim: This number is a reference to which yarn to used, and where the yarn carrier is located / dropped.  When moving left to right, the left number hows the location where the carrier it is 'located' and the right number is where the carrier will be 'dropped'.  Moving right to left, the right number is where the carrier is located, and the left number is where the carrier is to be dropped.

    Some rules -

    • Don't park feeders over the knitting area - you will break needles
    • Dont stack feeders - You will end up with the clump sensor activating - space them out

    (4) Are the carriage and yarn carrier movement limit indicators saying stop here or stop before here?

    Tim: this is where the carriage will stop (My inderstanding)

    (5) yarn carrier movement limit indicator, do the need to line up with occurance on the previous command? both end? just head of succesor command  with tail of predecessor command ?

    Tim: Not sure, but I presume good coding  practise would make these line up for readability as much as anything

    (6) carriage limit indicators don't always line up, error or ok.  Here is a trimmed example of a carriage to the left pass immediately followed by a carriage to the right pass, from the previously mentioned Machine_Sample_25oct20.kc.

    Tim: OK, but not good coding unless there is a definition on how the machine works in this situation....  I always line up my carriage limit sensors line by line...


    Shout if you have any more questions..

  • Gerard Rubio

    Thank you Robert Ingemarsson for all your great answers!

    Thanks mark for pointing to the "<<Kn-K1n" thing, that is indeed a spelling mistake. Corrected now in Machine_Sample_25oct20.kc.

    We tried to make kcode human-readable and introduced some variability, which sometimes makes it harder to follow. This lack of consistency exists so we don't advise you to try to fully grasp how things work, as there are a few edge cases that break some of the rules we created. To overcome this, we've been working on an updated version of kcode, to be 100% consistent and predictable. We are hoping to deploy it towards the end of the year.


  • Robert Ingemarsson

    Thanks Gerard Rubio - Looking foreward to the new version

    For our own interest we have updated our kCode validator (very much work in progress and may crashes with large files) to visualise the knit from the kCode


    This is the output showing the knit, feeder positions, etc...

  • mark

    Tim thanks for the response.

    Gerard Rubio thanks for the update and exciting news.

    Am re-reading and staring at the kCode to see what new questions popup factoring in what I just learn.

    One question that has occurred already.  Q: can stictch size vary across a pass on a bed?  If so, is it true that one can't use to do that?  If not, why is so much space given to STIF and STIR in kCode, redundant would be a tame description of 250+ copies of the same hex number.

  • mark

    Gerard Rubio curious if Kniterate_sample_23may20-3.kc is one of the edge cases, some 30+ of the last 40 FRNT lines seem significantly different in length from the nearly 900 earlier lines.  Could just simply be what happens outside the carriage moment limits doesn't affect operation, so if anomolies occur outside, it doesn't really matter.

    Yes, you said you wouldn't advise trying to make sense of it all.  I heard you.  But frankly, as I mentioned back in comments during the 2016 Kickstarter campaign, am a computer geed, messing with such things is what my interest in the project is.  Don't worry, now that the knitout-to-kcode code is out, I'll probably bury myself in that for the immediate future.

  • Gerard Rubio

    mark well spotted about the redundancy to define the stitch size. As you suspect, it is technically possible to have a variable stitch size during a traverse movement. However, this is not available in the design app yet due to a GUI limitation. 

    In kcode, anything that is written beyond the carriage movement is ignored.



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