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Issue with transfer stitches



  • Laurence

    OJ I tried your cast on but we had the same issue so I changed to a transfer. But in both cases we are losing stitches that we don’t want to or stitches are breaking. Is it because the roll speed is too high or the stitches are too small?

    I didn’t use your stitch settings as I wasn’t sure if these had been adjusted yet.

    I tried using smaller stitches as I do that on my domestic machine but wonder if it is too tight and causing the yarn to break.

  • OJ

    @Laurence The roll distance for your first row of transfers is high. Also it's best to reduce the roll before the transfers begin. What weight yarn are you using? Generally speaking, I use a stitch size for 1x1 rib that's half what I use for jersey or sometimes slightly larger than half the size for jersey, depending on the look I'm going for.

    These are the settings I'm using for NM 6.7 when I knit the 1x1 cast-on with transfers. Your settings may be different. This is the cast on that's in the design app start stitches module, and I'm inserting the transfers after that.



  • Laurence

    Thank you OJ this is really helpful.

    I am using 2/15s so about 8.5nm wool. The waste yarn is a little finer and 100% cotton.

    At the moment we aren't using draw thread as it wasn't catching on the needles on its first row so just trying with these 2 yarns for now.

    Will see if this helps. the transfers of the wool yarn later in the design work fine so must just be the takedown as  I change yarn. 

  • OJ

    Laurence I think maybe you confused the transfer symbol with the drop stitches symbol. Here's the sequence I use for a 1x1 cast on, when not using the full needle cast on provided in the design app.



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