Fantasy Gathering of the Tribe.
Warning, this is purely a mental health exercise. Just trying to imagine a future beyond the current mess.
I'm hoping others can add their input, perhaps providing to groundwork for some gogether organizer.
Some time in the unknown future, things have returned to "normal" ...
A Kniterate User Group is meeting in New Orleans (well, it is my fantasy).
We have some demos lined up, some workshops, some talks, a fashion show, ....
What would people like to see, to hear, experience?
Personally I'm interested in researchy stuff like the CMU textile lab cohort.
Perhaps a workshop on how the community could help build an ecosystem (sofware, training videos, fabric libraries) without endangering the Kniterate business model by enabling a cheap knockoff.
We have paused our work on this for a couple of reasons.
1. The knit sketching software has restrictions which mean its not possible to do what we want with shaping on a kniterate machine
2. The knit sketching software developer is not planning on working on the software, and has since been hired by kniterate :)) WHOHOOOOO :):)
3. Kniterate are now pushing ahead big time on the new software with the new developer and shaping should soon be possible...
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Hi Mark - Would love to be involved and see how we can use some other things like knitdb and the work out of CMU to also knit using a Kniterate machine,
We already use the to knit different knit types, and then backwards compile the output into the designer. (Manually)
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Mark - Maybe we could do a presentation on use of knit sketching -> Kniterate?
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Sorry to have to ghost everyone for a bit. Am in New Orleans, literal and figurative bandwidth is severely limited at the moment.
google search of "Kaspar Kniterate" brings up TechCrunch article suggest parties in conversation in 2019.
Hopefully I'll soon (and not the speculated 2-3 weeks) have power other that solar powered battery backup. Can converse then. Following Knit Sketching progress with excitement.
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Hi Mark - I hope all is ok in New Orleans.
A quick update, we have successfully knitted jacquard and non jacquard knits from knit sketching, and have done very nice shaping using the platform for increases and decreases.
However, when it comes to doing jumper shapes, the knitout that is produced only uses on feeder, and runs first one side of the jumper top and then the other. This would be fine for machines with sinkers, but for a kniterate machine with the single roller this will not work, and we need parallel feeders.
Would be great if we could get someone to look at this, as if we can crack this, we have some great software to allow us to shape, pattern and knit...
Jipke Lezwijn, Gerard Rubio How are we getting on with the new software to allow us to do full shaping of garments?
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mark Wishing you (and New Orleans) power and normality soon
Robert Ingemarsson Following with interest your explorations with Knit Sketch
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Hey Robert Ingemarsson we are planning to release some software updates plus the template of the beanie this month. The sweater template will follow.
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Thats great news Gerard Rubio, looking forward to this :):)
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Robert Ingemarsson looking forward to the results of your latest Knit Sketch -> Kniterate experiment. Happy to join effort to figure out a way we as a group can organize, prepare, and share information about it.
[ Power back on in my section of New Orleans (others still waiting). ]
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So - latest updated
the scheduling code for knit sketching does not allow splitting of sections (ie knitting a jumper from bottom to top) - it only allows merging of sections (ie merging of the top sections of the jumpers into a body).
If we want to knit bottom to top, with splitting, we will need to implement this code.
I have managed to create some knitout code using parallel feeders (with some small manual updates afterwards) as follows.
You can see the wast section at the bottom, the parallel running of the top, and moving into the main section.
For increases, this using the 'miss' instruction in the knitout code.
It looks like the knitout -> kniterate backend code is not implementing this correctly (See below showing the knitout and the kcode where it looks like the tuck that is happening has no needles selected hence the increase fails.
I have raised a defect on the knitout->kniterate backend code.
knitout miss section
kniterate miss section
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Robert Ingemarsson following with interest. Just cloned Knit Sketching repo and got up and running after a couple of false starts. Am going to start reading some of the code, but figure it is going to take me a while before I can contribute more than an offer to code review. Haven't wore a js developer hat in several years.
Also looking to become familiar with other parts of the Knit Sketching -> kniterate pipeline
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So today successfully knitted the first shaped sample today from knit sketching with kniterate bindon, draw thread, and then a shaped garment with shaped increases using split stitches. (We are Knitting from top to bottom due to the way knit sketching schedules when having multiple sections such as a jumper)
We had issues with increases at the side where the knitout software was running the increases by moving a single stitch from front to back, racking (-1), and then trying to move the stitch back - This always caused the stitch to drop on a kniterate machine as the yarn was never completely pulled over the transfer stitch, and so the stitch dropped when transferring.
To fix this, we moved 2 stitches to the rear before completing the increase on the left.
Need to sort the roll out as a couple of stitches dropped later in the knit due to lack of roll.
Now we understand the issue with increases, will look to update the code to fix as documented above (Defect has been raised).
Once that is done, we can go back to knitting the top of a jumper using parallel feeders.
The full knitout visual is below
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This is excellent news! I can't wait to see the final product.
How did you manage to do a split stitch?
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I know - one step at a time :)
Split stitches are handled by the knitsketching software - you can either do increases using kickback or split stitches . It then is translated into knitout code which then translates into kcode .
If I can get all working g will start thinking about a pipeline to deliver directly from the knitsketching app -> kcode
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Happy new year to the whole Kniterate community!
Robert Ingemarsson. - Have you been able to make any progress on your shaped jumper?
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So - Now winter is over, its time to start thinking about next winter so we have started work on our own templates for jumpers..
We have proved that we can successfully shape the top of a scaled down jumper which is create news.. ext Step to input the shape as parameters into the code, and get the top properly shaped...
Does anyone have stitch patterns which would show shaping of a round neck jumper that I can start with, ???
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So at last I have had some time to start generating patters from stitch patterns..
Using this great book, I now have 300 stitch patterns.
I can then input this into my pattern generator, along with the width, stitch size etc to generate the kCode for the knit.
For example, to knit Seed Stitch I enter [ 'KP', 'PK']. and out comes the Seed Stitch :):)
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Amazing keep up the good work maybe this will be added to the Kniterate software soon.
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Well, that's cool Robert Ingemarsson. Following :)
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